The main competing season is over, my rosette and trophy cabinet is over flowing, so proud of my crew.
We have been busy training and keeping fit ready for next season. Not many agility classes have been occurring due to the weather, but we have managed to get some sessions up at the paddock.
As promised the final pictures from our holiday down in Cornwall (seems like months ago now)
Due to printer/scanner problems I have been unable to update the blog for a while. I hope you enjoy the updates from July, August and September (better late than never).
We attended a number of different shows during these months and also managed a holiday down to Cornwall, photos below.
Snoop has achieved a 4th, a 5th, a 11th, and 28 Clear Rounds at multiple Dog Vegas shows, Kennel Club International Agility Festival and Carn Brea show. Snoop is now competing at Grade 6 and not doing too badly, even though some of the courses are impossible for me to remember (running 3 dogs in different classes does have its down side).
Snoop at dog Vegas
Dre has achieved a 1st, two 2nds, two 3rds, a 7th and 12 Clear Rounds at multiple Dog Vegas shows, Kennel Club International Agility Festival and Carn Brea show. Dre received trophies for the 1st to 3rd places he gained, winning him his first ever trophies in agility (I think I need a bigger trophy cabinet). Dre has also gained enough points to gain his Agility Warrant Bronze.
Dre at Dog Vegas
Photos taken by memories in action
Holly has even had a go in the ring. In her first run I was so nervous that she would run into the other rings to herd dogs running, so with many friends around the ring (just in case), we attempted her first run. It was amazing, she didn't have eyes for anything but me, and came out the ring so happy for herself. In the next runs her confidence grew till she was running ahead of me (and I was running fast). Holly reminds me of a younger Snoop, she is so willing to please and loves every minute of it. Holly isn't doing too badly considering she has only had about six training sessions this year. I think she has a natural talent for it.
Hi We own four border collies called Snoop, Dre, Holly and Flash.
Snoop, Dre and Holly compete in agility, Snoop used to compete in Flyball, Dre has also competed in breed. Flash is currently learning basics and enjoying puppyhood.
This blog enables us to share with friends and family our updates successes and generally be able to keep everyone up to date. We hope you enjoy this blog.
If you would like to contact us, please email