August was one of Snoop's busiest months competing, he attended Aylesbury, KC Festival, Pembrokeshire, Chipping Norton and Beacon agility shows, a YKC Flyball Crufts qualifier and a BFA event at stoneleigh. This was one of Snoop's best months so far. In agility he achieved a 1st, a 2nd, two 4ths, a 5th, a 6th, a 9th, a 10th, a 11th, two 12ths, a 24th, and three Clear rounds. Snoop's 1st place won him out of Elementary, we were so proud of him. Snoop also attended a companion dog show and again got a 4th in the working and pastoral group. In BFA Leamington Royals' gained another 1st place and an even faster time of 20.83, the team just gets faster and better each time we race. In the YKC Crufts Flyball qualifier Snoop ran for a junior member and their team came 1st qualifying them for Crufts in March next year. What an amazing month for Snoop